
Taking It to A New Level

Short films and videos are everywhere in fashion at moment and its simply so very NOW
but I think Prada have just stepped up the game with a 9 minute advertising campaign, "Four Play". Not leaving the celebrity endorsement trend behind, Christina Ricci plays 4, yes 4, sides of a woman in Manhattan.

The number says it all. It has been viewed over100,000 on blogs and Youtube and is fast becoming one of the most successful short films within a brand campaign.

Prada will now be releasing short films every 3 months, they are not only effective in reaching large market segment in a short amount of time but cost a fraction of an advertising campaign on tv, recession proof indeed.

source wsj

View the video "First Spring" here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p9zFMp9WUU

Its simply beautiful!