
Read it On IPhone

The rise of "books" being read on IPhone is growing, although once thought of as an idea that woudnt take off, demand is rising and more and more people are using them, just look at the commuter next to you next time you are on public transport, the main reasons for this, as identified by Wallpaper.com, are the convinience of not having to turn the page and hold such a bulky thing, as many of them are and also portability, the IPhone is used for everything these days and storing your book(s) in it just makes everything so much easier.

 This is just another example of how technology is taking of and changes in the way we live are taking place. People are not afraid to be using such technologies, much to a lot of researcher's shock, and this is mainly because of how easy these phones are to navigate, just shows simple design and use, so important!