
I'm Finally Listening to Tavi

I haven't been quite sure what to make of now globally famous blogger Tavi. Yes she has some interesting and sometimes amusing points of view of fashion and designers, yes she is charming and I am fond of her innocence but a 13 year old little girl suddenly an expert on fashion and prediting trends, not-so-famous editors being pushed back a row to let room for he and her massive bow - oh remember the bow? -

The Bow - businessoffashion.com
I dont think so. But reading about the latest Fashion Blog Conference I am beginning to understand her a bit more. The conference took place in New York and guests including Tavi, BryanBoy, Fashionista, Susie Bubble and Streetpeeper. The main point that was interesting, was that in the future we can wave goodbye to bloggers whose only wish is to be invited front row at fashion shows and be sent freebies, but for the bloggers who actually care, as Tavi nicely put it...

“The same way teenagers can start a Flickr account and be noticed by a magazine, or a band can start a MySpace and be picked up by a label, blogs will act as jumping-off platforms for people that want to work in the industry.”

She is growing on me