
New Digital Strategies

I think its very interesting in such times to view how magazines are coping with this online digital expanding market. Just like in the .com years back in the 90s now in 2010 there is such opportunity for innovation and new market penetration ideas to take place.

My favourite new development is what W magazine has done this month. It has intergrated e-commernce along with standard editorial format. With a bit of help through a celebrity endorsement (still a method that is working wonders!), Jennifer Aniston to be precise, readers can look at the clothes she is wearing and through numbered bulletings they can locate extrenal shopping guides of whereto buy them. No need to try and trace it themselves. I think its all linking very well with trendwatching.com's NOWISM trend. You see it, you want it, you buy it - right now.

Source:W magazine

“We firmly believe that commerce should be an integral element of a digital content site that features new fashion products, trends and designers every hour. Commerce and community also belong together. Whoever does not embrace the two will lose out in the long run.” - Borries of Refinery29 magazine.