
Goodbye Runway?

With the recession tightening budgets and fewer press members and buyers made it to New York than in any other year, also why spend a small fortune putting together a show and keeping it low key. The new trend that fashion designers are beginning to embrace is broadcasting their fashion shows all over web to treat a wider audience. Ralph Lauren collegiate brand "Rugby" has taken this to the next level...

"It is a mix between Harry Potter and Rock Band." - Ralph Lauren

Rather than having a catwalk with models walking down it, the models will be walking on a treadmill. This isnt to shock everyone at the fashion, as it is going to take place in the privacy of a small office. Once it has been recorded the plan is to create a backdrop that will show the models walking through the streets of New York or a park, or the ocean, the possibilities are rather endless! The idea will save thousands, and will be available for millions to view it. Genius.