
The New Shopping

With recent publications telling us it is all about the brands giving an experience to consumeres who are getting more and more demanding in terms of interaction, a few stores have taken this a step further. Combining shopping with another activity is sure a great way to make a shopper "forget" how much they have or will be spending, with stealth luxury on the rise that I spoke about in a previous post, people don't want to waste money and unfortunately for fashion not everyone sees another pair of shoes as an essential shopping item, but offer them a bit extra and most can be persuaded I believe.

So now Topshop in New York, has regular auction, "come in and meet the new designer" evenings, roller skating parties, tea and cakes stand and in store DJs


For me even the simplest idea can be the best, did anyone else attend Topshop on Oxford Street after midnight around 2 years ago, it was open after hours for the shopper who was simply to busy to get there in the day. It was so peaceful, the visual merchandising displays all perfect and you had the full attention of a sales assistant for over 20 mins! Imagine that...in Topshop on Oxford Circus, that to me was a great experience and its a cheap way to do something unique.

Eco-Friendly Attitudes Continues

Since attending the Sustainability exhibition at the Design Museum I have started to be aware of what brands are doing to help the environment. I discoved Puma are taking a very serious stance for using less packaging and I have to say that is the one thing I believe all brands can and should do, who likes packaging anayway??

The new type of customer that I am identifying is much more eco-aware. It used to be the mum of 2, AB socio group, who made cakes in the afternoon and made time to separate the plastic bottles from the glass ones and we all clapped our hands in amazement. But now there has been a significant shift in the attitudes in most consumer groups even the too busy slash/slash generation have time to take their clothes to the charity shop and recycle a can or 2 and the young mass afluents think its beyond trendy to buy organic foods and clothes.

So it is great news that now Asos is creating a space online for customers to buy recycles clothes and to think twice before throwing their own away. The even better thing is that the brands that Asos stocks will be selling their own last seasons clothes on the site too, so not wasting a thread!

snapshot of Asos.com

What Fashion Consultancy Involves

I personally believe it always good to have an end goal and becoming an expert in the fashion market is where I want to be. Whether I am going to open my dream store in Greece or start a forecasting service here I know that one day I want to make it alone. As scary as that sounds. So I have just come across a great article from theglobeandmail.com, a very insightful website with all the latest industry and economy news. They posted a great article on fashion consultancy, and I think with the economic donwturn (many struggling brands crying out fighting for our attention) plus the extrodinarely fast paced digital environment, one day its fscebook & twitter, the next its an app, the next a live real-time show and you are not even worth knowing unless there is a cool new video on your site; fashion consultancies must be having a slight rise in the number of brands seeking help. So these are the notes on what a modern fashion consultant actually does...

1.Provide insight in new and emerging trends (that I knew!)
2.Aid in the development of a creative campaign
3.Help with the promotion and project management of a special event(s)
4. The design, sourcing and production of clothing and accessories including taking key customer markets into consideration all the while.
5.How to open a boutique/new store, from chosing the area, to the visual merchandising displays, the employess, to the launch event.


My Favourite Trend Spring/Summer 2010

Has got to be maxi dresses, not as boho and hippy looking as it was back in 2006, but a much leaner, cleaner and sophisticated silhouette. 


River Island



Jefferson Hack & Business of Fashion

The conversation finally took place last week and as I have been blogging about this event before and have expressed my excitement for it I am going to go straight in with the key themes that took place. In terms of the future of fashion magazines:

“It’s about creating an event and creating multi-platform content that can go beyond print,” Jefferson Hack

“For me, the web is about the moment. The magazine is much more about the collective memory. The magazine becomes a souvenir of what’s happening in the moment. Magazines won’t disappear, they’ll almost become more important in some ways” Jefferson Hack

He also discussed the important of consumers today, it isn't about launching a great product or service and forcing upon people, people want to contribute to its existence themselves, they like to be involved in their creative process and form their own opinions. Its about "openness" with the customer, listening and interacting with them. 

He also points out that this is the time for brands to experiment with digital media, with live streaming, the launch of the iPad, 3D technology becoming more popular and video in advertising taking a step up users are getting used to having to explore new technological services and products, the stage of exploration, of discovering a new product, the iPad for example, allows people to step outside their comfort zone and embrace new technology.

The man himself very handsome Jefferson Hack

Pictures sourced from businessoffashion.com 
see the full conversation on their website http://www.businessoffashion.com/

New Business Start Up

It has definitely been on my mind recently to take my business idea to the next level and I am very intrigued by the new start up section on Fashion Capital.com

It delivers information on:

  1. Bank and other funding for fashion start ups

  2. Finding the right suppliers/business partners

  3. Advertising and promotion ideas that don't cost the earth

  4. Tips for surviving the recession (we could all do with a bit of that)

  5. Unusual Selling opportunities
I have personally found the website very helpful, the advice is honest, achievable and is pushing my further and further into making my business idea a reality, something which could be scary but equally very exciting. 

Viral Heat Webinar

I have been following viral heat for a few months now and I have just read my weekly update about their news. 
A webinar is taking place on the 25th of May at 1pm ET/10am PT, and is focusing on social media, I have already booked my place and I will be blogging my impressions and the key themes raised on this blog on the same day. 

Here is what is included:

    "* Align sales and marketing around jointly defined success metrics.
    * Augment targeted outbound marketing with inbound marketing.
    * Monitor social media engagement.
    * Nurture leads until they are "sales-ready".
    *.Continually test and measure marketing effectiveness...after all, you cannot improve what you cannot measure!"

It features Rand Schulman and Pelin Thorogood, Principals of the Schulman+Thorogood Group, on what promises to be a highly engaging discussion on the evolving science of marketing to engage Customer 2.0

The only thing I wish is that this webinar was done a few days or better still a month ago, but I will not be missing it!

view their great service at www.viralheat.com , its all about learning how to analyse social media and create better business and marketing plans. 


Brit Insurance Design of the Year

My last exhibition visit during this project was again at the Design Museum, to see the winners and nominees of "Brit Insurance Design of the Year".

Itshowcases the most innovative and forward thinking designs from around the world, it brings recognition to new inventions on an international scale and I think for predicting future trends, in fashion, consumer culture and on a social and cultural aspect it is relevant and important to identify new communication, fashion, design, transport, graphics, interactive, architecture and sustainable innovations.

My favourite? The Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2010 live show. so incredible.so now. Still amazed fashion reached the point of being live and shared with thousands all at the same time, its all about digital interaction and I think technological and communication developments are only going to improve the industry where consumer is number 1.

Sustainable Futures

I also visited the "Sustainable Futures" exhibition at the Design Museum. It celebrates design and architecture projects that address important issues within sustainability. It really opened my eyes to the work designers are doing in order to achieve this, it is hard and often they don't get enough recognition in the industr until an exhibition such as this points out the positives in their contribution towards this issue.

I was most impressed with Pumas efforts to cut down the amount of packaging they use and from trying this out themselves and they now promote "can design make a difference" towards other businesses and fashion brands.

Grace Kelly Exhibition

Finally the prints have arrived and I'm going to share my ver own exhibition images! First of I visited the Grace Kelly exhibit recently.

Always beautifully dressed and groomed in her on-screen roles, she also had excellent taste off screen as well. "The Girl in White Gloves" as she was described in a Times article in 1952, is the quintessential example of high personal standards in dress.

The exhibihion has bought the 1950s trend of elegance and sophistication, where women favoured a full dress in a silk fabric with bows tied at the waist rather than ripped denim and chunky platform shows a la spring summer 2010 london! I predict seeing a lot more groomed women around London after they have seen this exhibition.

Here are my photos


Debenhams & Sex and the City

I never thought this would happen but it has. Debenhams has become Sex and the City's official retail partner to help push its sales in the fashion department, and that definately needs as much help as it can get if you ask me!
It is launching a new fashion campaign to promote its new designer ranges and there will be styles inspired by the movie, if the white dress that Carrie is wearing in the trailer is available they can count me in, whether your style in like Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha or business minded like Miranda they department store has promised to suit your every needs. I have to say it is the first time in a very long time I might be heading into Debenhams to buy clothes

I think this campaign is sure to drive sales in, a good move to increase customer antisipation and demand.

New Trend Alert

Get your glasses back on, 3D technology is here to stay!

3D techology is having a moment, Avatar took in £700m world wide in just 3 weeks of its release, O2 are already on it and are streaming England's Six Nations Rugdy games in 3D in cinemas and its especialy in sports the trend is going to continue and only get better, a great potential area if you think about it, the whole game is fast paced, busy and with excitement and 3D just enriches that experience but I do hope it finds it way to stick around during fashion week, Burberry made it happen, their live streaming 3D catwalk show was a success and it will be interesting to see how that can be pushed further.

And to show that people really are taking notice here are the facts I found...

Taking It to A New Level

Short films and videos are everywhere in fashion at moment and its simply so very NOW
but I think Prada have just stepped up the game with a 9 minute advertising campaign, "Four Play". Not leaving the celebrity endorsement trend behind, Christina Ricci plays 4, yes 4, sides of a woman in Manhattan.

The number says it all. It has been viewed over100,000 on blogs and Youtube and is fast becoming one of the most successful short films within a brand campaign.

Prada will now be releasing short films every 3 months, they are not only effective in reaching large market segment in a short amount of time but cost a fraction of an advertising campaign on tv, recession proof indeed.

source wsj

View the video "First Spring" here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p9zFMp9WUU

Its simply beautiful!

Fashion & Law? Do They Mix?

Fashion and law are two words you don't really hear in a sentence together, however during a panel discussion at Columia University last Saturday it was the only thing on people's minds. Joe Zee, Phillip Lim, Carole Lim, Humberto Leon and other industry specialists lead the discussion on "Asian Americans in the Fashion Industry" and quickly the focus was on making a career in fashion with a law degree. It seems there a huge demand for lawyers to specialise in fashion, copyright laws are a huge deal and with Topshop, Marks and Spencer and Ralph Lauren having sued over the past 2 years (and many many more! it is hardly surprising there is such a demand.

To fill this new demand Fordham Law School is starting a new course: Fashion Law Institute that is alreeady packed with applications and it hasnt even opened yet.

"We need lawyers and it's very nice to have people who want to specialise in law for the fashion business" Diane Von Furstenberg

Looks like the fashion industry just got slightly bigger

Ripped Jeans 2010 Trend

Have just spent the day reading Vogue.com and I have decided to make my own little trend for spring summer 2010 & I have chosen ripped jeans as my theme:

Bring on the 90s grunge again!