
The New Marketing Tool Everyone is Excited About

I remember during a research project before Christmas exploring all the new online videos and short films that brands where creating to build on their brand essense. I remember the Nick Night exhibiton that broke the boundaries between fashion and film and the trend took off rapidly.

But now brands are getting smarter at using them effectively as a new marketing and sales tool. Pokeware is a tool that has been used by MTV and Paramount Pictures and it allows viewers can not only admire the video they see but they can click and shop away there and then.

Dazed & Confused have now incoporated this new media and made it work for them.

source: Pokeware

The above image is a snapshot of the new trailor, it displays the designer and in other vidoes they have featured the cost and where people can find the product to purchase.

I think this is such a more interesting and innovative way to sell outfits during an economic downturn, it gets people excited about clothes again, and seeing them being worn right in front of us;  makes them even more desirable.